15 hrs agoLiked by Bob Hawkins

I can’t thank you enough for these weekly updates, Bob. They are invaluable.

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The NHS have made a massive error that they are not aware of. The mistake could mean the booking system is overwhelmed and vaccine stocks will become quickly exhausted because the demand managed by the Green Book has been underestimated. How? The green book limited asthmatics to those who have poorly controlled asthma; as defined as;


Table 3 "Individuals with a severe lung condition, including those with poorly

controlled asthma1"

"Poorly controlled asthma is defined as:

- ≥2 courses of oral corticosteroids in the preceding 24 months OR

- on maintenance oral corticosteroids OR

- ≥1 hospital admission for asthma in the preceding 24 months"

BUT, on this page (written to advise patients as to the their eligibility:


and specifically;

Who’s at increased risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 section which reads;

conditions that affect your breathing, such as asthma (needing a steroid inhaler or tablets), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or cystic fibrosis

I suspect the phrase

"needing a steroid inhaler or tablets"

in light of the green book guidance should properly read

"needing a steroid inhaler and tablets"

What this could mean next week is, reading literally, asthmatics like myself who take only inhaled Steroids could think they are eligible for a Covid vaccination . And there could be upto 8 million extra Covid vaccination bookings made by asthmatics who use Steroid inhalers alone. And lots of arguments with disappointed asthmatic patients at Vaccination centres, being turned away by those who have only read the green book and not the misleading(?) NHS website.

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Interesting, as bookings for Covid jabs are now open have you tried to book one? It would be fascinating to see if the booking system thinks your eligible (assuming that you don't qualify based on age).

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