Dec 15, 2023Liked by Bob Hawkins

I’d echo thanks for sharing this data - it’s really helpful. One thing that may help people less familiar with graphs, like me. It’s sometimes unclear what the X axis shows. For instance: “The next chart shows admissions rates for the under 65 year olds in more detail.” But what is that number? For the UK? Per 100,000? I can’t tell. Many you clarify in the preceding paragraph, so maybe I’m missing something. Otherwise I think I can follow what’s going on - so thank you. It’s good to be informed.

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You are right I should be clear on what the X Axis is showing. I do use 'rate' as a shorthand for per 100,000 and appreciate this may not always be helpful.

However, in all charts I use the sub-heading to describe the metric shown in the chart in as much detail as space allows. Hopefully, I remember to do that each time but let me know if I forget.

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Perfick’ Thank you.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Bob Hawkins

Thank you, Bob, for your blog and all the excellent graphics that you have produced throughout the Covid pandemic.

In this current stack, there seems to be an inconsistency between the header of the first chart embedded in the main text:

"Positivity for Covid continues to decline and remains very low for Flu

Positivity rate for main respiratory diseases in England: November 26, 2023"

...and the scope of the full chart, when accessed from the link, which states:

"Positivity rates for Covid and Flu are increasing

Positivity rate for main respiratory diseases in England: December 10, 2023"

I guess the updated 10 Dec chart needs to be pasted into the text.

I really don't understand why Dezza adopted such an objectionable tone.

Regards Nigel Nott

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Thankyou. I now see the problem - many of the charts in the email are not consistent with the Substack post. As I only review the post on-line I wouldn't pick this up.

Unfortunately, this is a problem with the way that Substack is accessing the graphs which are created using Datawrapper and stored on the cloud. Substack is not picking up the latest Datawrapper graphics when creating the email but reverts to the original chart created. Which is weird because the original chart doesn't exist any more in Datawrapper!

I will send out a post asking subscribers to only read the article on-line and see if I can find a workaround for the next post.

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Thanks Bob 😊

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Apologies 🙏

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I wish all Covid data could be presented so clearly.

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Thanks Bob, really interesting, thanks for sharing!

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Can you please point me to the section in this post that says that "Positivity for Covid continues to decline" as I can't find it. Thanks.

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